Jul 142012

The First Color Picture is Messier 57, the Ring Nebula in Lyra, color made with the SBIG camera and SBIG RGB combine software, operated by Doug Horacek; the second photo is of Albireo the Blue and Gold Double Star at the head of Cygnus the Swan (comment, add Double Stars as a section on the BLOG), the color photograph captured by the SBIG camera and processed with SBIG RGB combine software, operated by Doug Horacek. The Black and White Antares and its White Dwarf Companion Picture was processed by Doug Horacek using Hard Planetary Smooth, Hard Planetary Sharpen, and DDP filter utilities from the SBIG software. John Callahan and Frank Schenck assited in image processing. Jeff Delmas did the photography on the evening of 6 July 2012 with the SBIG camera and Jared Cassidy’s eight inch f/10 Schmidt Cassegrain, a Meade telescope on an Orion Atlas Mount.

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